6 ways to make your web designer love you more & help your site convert better


I talked with a few of my favorite web designers and asked them what they loved about their clients that already had brand photos ready. We all want drop-dead gorgeous websites.

But in order to give them that final polished look we crave, this is what they’ve told me:

1. A site with professional photos, instantly looks more polished.

Why? Because it automatically gives you an edge over others in your industry. That polished look reads “professional & knowledgeable” to your ideal clients when they visit your site. Can you say conversion rate ↑ increase?

2. A website with professional photos; is more authentic than using stock photos.

Why? Have you ever been to a website where there were only stock photos? You know the ones, super fake, something kinda off, they don’t quite feel on brand with the business you are looking at? I’d bet $5 they are stock photos. I’m sure you’ve gone to a website and read through it and thought well this is EXACTLY what I have been looking for and you start looking for a picture of the person who you would be hiring. And what happens when you don’t find one? I bet you feel disappointed, a little sad and left wondering if you should hire them. Everyone who visits your site WANTS TO SEE YOUR FACE, truly. They are hiring you for YOU and want to see all the photos you have to share online. They want to see you and feel like they can connect with you.

3. The quality that is there makes it so much easier to manipulate. Resizing is rarely an issue, and I never deal with pixelation. Which is when you use an image(that typically is lo-res) and you stretch it beyond its capabilities. It’s the blurriness or fuzziness in an image that you see. When my clients come to me in need of a website overhaul & already have professional images I know that they are ready to be taken seriously and I can easily help them with their online makeover.

4. Not to mention it's just more fun to design. We get to see the final product in a more cohesive manner. And when we review it with you, it’s much easier for you to see your site through someone else’s eyes.


5. Speeds up the process. It makes designing a website 100x faster because we already know what visual content you have.

6. Build your audience NOW. You can start building an audience while your site is being built. Building a site is great but not doing building your following at the same time isn't so great. Even if you can't send traffic to the site yet, having images that are aligned to your brand will start setting the tone so that your ideal clients start following you. Then, when the site is up, you can simply invite them all to visit.

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How brand photos save you time & make you money


What is Brand Photography?