What is brand photography?
Brand photography are photos of you the things you want to share with the world that represent you and your brand. They allow the real you to come forth & shine. We work together to identify your brand and create the perfect photoshoot for you. I curate the style you desire for your images. Sure you get head-shots but its so much more than that. Your true personality comes through and creates the platform to build relationships with your audience.
Your brand is more than a logo, colors, or pretty fonts. Your brand begins with you. As the human.
Brand photos are like an extra shot of espresso in your coffee… but for your business. It gives you that extra boost to increase your visibility, to look like a professional. And I’m not talking about the old-school professional. I’m talking about the modern version.
Where you can have fun, be yourself, be weird, and that’s ok! Because that’s real. Not perfect. A woman who understands her talents and skills and is the expert and a leader. Ready to share her knowledge and her brand with the world.
Brand photos can include images of you, your family, your team, products, your space, even your process. Honestly anything goes when it comes to your brand photos. The best part about it is you get to decide what that looks like and how you want to share it.
Perhaps you’ve had a head-shot taken before and you’ve used it for your profile photo and on your website. But it’s just one photo. And quickly you realize that one photo isn’t going to cut it. You have content you share, you have a website to update, you have social media cover pages to re-do. Brand photos gives you a vault of your very own original photos.
This way you aren’t relying on stock images to fill in the blanks. Stock photos are the easy way out, and maybe you started that way. Nothing wrong with that. But eventually you realized that other people were using the same ones… bc well they are free and available to EVERYONE. And none of those photos will include you in them. If you want photos that others don’t have you need to create your own.
“It’s one thing to make a picture of what a person looks like, it’s another thing to make a portrait of who they are.”
In order to look your best, you want a range of consistent, well thought out photos to support you. When you have a photographer helping you create these photos, they will be thought out, intentional, and not a last minute afterthought.
If you want to make your brand more relatable and human you need photos to visually show this to your audience.
82% of consumers trust a company more and 77% are more likely to buy from a company if they the brand uses social media. People are curious and want to connect with other people and relate to others. They want to see the face behind the business name. Hint: THAT’S YOU! And your team and anyone else that you want to share.
Wanna know more? Specifically how this could look for you and your business? Sign up for a complimentary consultation call below.